Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses

VACPN Founders Scholarship
Established August 7, 2020

About the Scholarship:
The VACPN Founders Scholarship in honor of Irma Mahone R.N., M.S.N., Ph.D. and Jeanne Fox, Ph.D. they had the insight and vision to see the need for an organization for community psychiatric nurses to be able to come together and network, share information and problem solve. Community psychiatric nursing is a specialty, and not many nurses are aware of what all a community psych nurse does, or the demands put upon them. Our clients range from first psychotic episodes, Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance addiction, Intellectual Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities and more. They range from children to adults, male and female. Within our organization we work with clients who are Not Guilty by Reason of Insanity (NGRI), Mandatory Outpatient Treatment (MOT), VASAP, and so many other individuals
Our hopes with offering this scholarship to attend VACPN conferences will expand knowledge on mental health to both mental health nurses and nurses of other specialties. It will also lead to connections among individuals in caring for the mental health population. This scholarship includes:
Fall Conference fees and meals​
Award decision is based on the following:
• New conference attendee
• Licensed Nurse actively engaged in community services of mental health, substance use or intellectual/developmental disabilities
• Student nurses are encouraged to apply and will be considered
• Personal statement that best reflects the interest in psychiatric nursing and the purpose of VACPN
• Letter from supervisor/school of nursing that demonstrates need of financial support for attendance.
You can learn more about the scholarship with the policy below:
VACPN Scholarship PP 2020.doc (DOC — 39 KB)
To apply for this scholarship please use this scholarship application:

Scholarship Application August 2020.docx (DOCX — 159 KB)
Please give the application to your regional representative to submit to the board.