Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses
Draft to be voted on 11-6-15.
Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses (VACPN) Bylaws
Article I
The name of the organization shall be the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses. The Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses (VACPN) is composed of community nurses working in mental health, intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse in the public sector throughout the state of Virginia. It includes nurses of every level of preparation, and includes nurses in non-nursing positions.
Article II
Composition and Purpose
The purpose of the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses is to define and enhance the role of the nurse in mental health, intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse; to exchange ideas, models, and experiences; to facilitate networking and mutual support; to promote the improvement of nursing practice; to raise awareness of mental health legislative issues; and to promote professional growth.
Article III
The functions of the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses shall include the following:
1. To define and enhance the role of the nurse in mental health, intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse.
2. To facilitate networking and mutual support.
3. To promote the improvement of nursing practice in mental health, intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse.
4. To promote professional growth by means of:
a. Seminars
b. Conferences
c. Regional programs.
Article IV
Membership in the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses shall be open to any nurse practicing in the community setting in mental health, intellectual disabilities, and substance abuse. It shall be open to nurses at every level of preparation, including LPN, Diploma RN, ADN, BSN, MSN, NP, and PhD. Annual dues paid to be an active member of the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses. Membership is required to vote and run for office.
Article V
Annual dues of $25.00 shall be paid by each member of the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses by the opening of the Spring Conference or May 1. *Dues cannot be pro-rated for ½ year or partial-year membership
Article VI
The policy of the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses shall be determined by the by-laws, by action taken by the voting body at any statewide meeting. All the policy goals and resolutions shall be in effect until rescinded by the voting body of the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses or until the purpose has been accomplished.
Article VII
Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses shall be from June 1 to May 31.
Article VIII
The official website of the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses is located online at and will be maintained and updated regularly by the Social Media Specialist.
Article IX
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee of the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses shall consist of a President (or two co-presidents), Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, CNE Coordinator, CNE Co-Coordinator; Regional Representative Coordinator, and Social Media Specialist. In addition to these officers, there shall be five regional representatives serving on the Executive Committee. The regional representatives represent the five regions of the state, as defined on the accompanying map of Virginia.
The functions of the Executive Committee are to provide leadership, plan activities, and function as a steering committee for the activities of the association statewide. It monitors issues, considers proposals from the membership, and makes proposals for the larger body to consider. The Executive Committee will use its discretion to decide which issues need to be taken to the membership at large.
Article X
The President, Secretary, Social Media Specialist, CNE Co-Coordinator, and Regional Representative Coordinator shall be elected in odd-numbered years for two-year terms. The Vice-President, CNE Coordinator, and the Treasurer shall be elected in even-numbered years for two-year terms. The regional representatives are elected by members within their respective regions each year for a one-year term. Officers can be re-elected as often as voted by the membership. If for any reason an officer is unable to fulfill their role the President may recruit and appoint an interim person to cover their role until next election term. The Regional Representative Coordinator is elected by the Regional Representatives for a two-year term.
Article XI
Business Meetings/ Quorum
The rules contained in Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall be followed in all business meetings. There shall be two statewide business meetings conducted every year. For the transaction of any business, a quorum must be present. Thirty-three percent of the total membership constitutes a quorum. A majority constitutes a quorum at executive committee meetings.
Article XII
Duties of the Executive Officers and Regional Representatives
Duties of the President shall include:
1. VACPN member in good standing.
2. Call and preside over statewide committee meetings.
a. Will maintain agenda. Adding new ideas as they arise in the membership and mail out notices of meetings to each member with this agenda. Maintain overall knowledge of VACPN and its history.
b. Will preside over meetings and act as mediator as issues are discussed, following Robert’s Rules of Order.
c. Will call each committee member if they miss meetings consistently, to encourage their enthusiasm, and offer to help as needed. Will consistently contact members to consult and pass information on to ensure that everyone is informed and knowledgeable.
d. Will initiate new and innovative ideas to promote growth in the organization within the scope of its purpose and functions.
3. Facilitate statewide business meetings.
a. Will maintain agenda and schedule meetings for each Spring Seminar and Fall Conference.
b. Will preside over meetings and act as mediator following Robert’s Rules of Order.
c. Will review the past six months’ activities.
4. Monitor and oversee statewide activities.
a. Will provide overall organization and guidance for all VACPN activities.
b. Will consult with Vice-President over new issues and present them at appropriate meetings.
5. Function as an active member of the Planning Team for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE), helping to identify learning needs, current issues and concerns, suggested topics; evaluating performance and accomplishing goals and objectives; recruiting suitable speakers; and identifying resources to be used in accomplishing the educational mission
6. .Represent the association to the mental health system at large. Will attend other conferences, meetings, and groups to promote and educate others about VACPN as each opportunity arises.
7.. Is responsible for overall scheduling and will preside over all scheduled Executive Committee meetings, all statewide business meetings, each yearly seminar, each conference, each special committee as assigned, or coordinate with the Vice-President to hold this meeting in her/his absence.
Duties of the Vice-President shall include:
1. VACPN member in good standing.
2. Collaborate with the President in the general duties of overseeing statewide activities and representing the association to the mental health system at large.
a. Will maintain working knowledge of history of group and decisions made in past executive committee meetings and statewide business meetings.
b. Will maintain a compatible working relationship with and assist the President in each VACPN endeavor by accepting half of the responsibility for phone calls, paperwork, and other organizational duties as she/he and the President agree on.
c. Will attend other conferences, meetings, groups alone or with the President to promote and educate others about VACPN as each opportunity arises.
d. Will consult with the President over new issues as they arise and present them together to the Executive Committee.
e. Will act as co-chairman for the Planning Committee of the Fall Conference along with the regional representatives hosting the conference.
3. Function as an active member of the Planning Team for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE), helping to identify learning needs, current issues and concerns, suggested topics; evaluating performance and accomplishing goals and objectives; recruiting suitable speakers; and identifying resources to be used in accomplishing the educational mission.
4. Assume responsibility for all of the duties of the President in her/his absence, or resignation (see President’s duties).
5. Attend all scheduled Executive Committee meetings, all business meetings, each yearly retreat, fall conference, each special committee meeting as assigned, or send a representative to the meeting with her/his ideas and agenda to present.
Duties of the CNE Coordinator shall include:
1. VACPN member in good standing
2. Make application and ensure that educational offerings are approved for continuing nurse education contact hours through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) via the CNE approver, the Virginia Nurse Association (VNA).
3. Lead the VACPN Planning Team in establishing Provider Unit goals and nursing education plan for each annual Fall Conference and Spring Seminar based on participant feedback and nursing peer reviews via Regional Representatives.
4. Assist the President of VACPN to review Provider Unit Outcomes prior to each bi-annual Executive Committee meeting. All comments from the event participants are considered as expressed on the evaluation. Each educational event, programming difficulties, quality of presenters, and overall program is assessed relative to the nursing educational plan.
5. Assist the President to evaluate Provider Unit effectiveness from the members at large via formal and informal channels (e.g. regional meetings, feedback-solicitation surveys, and email correspondence).
6. Coordinate the annual survey (each February) of the Regional Representatives through the Regional Representative Coordinator to solicit feedback/guidance about past educational offerings and suggestions for future topics.
7. Prepare and provide evaluation forms and certificates for successful completion of CNE contact hours for all participants of the Fall Conference and Spring Seminar.
8. Attends all scheduled Executive Committee Meetings or coordinates with the CNE Co-Coordinator for attendance if absence is necessary.
Duties of the CNE Co-Coordinator shall include:
1. VACPN member in good standing.
2. Assist the CNE Coordinator to make application and ensure that educational offerings are approved for continuing nurse education contact hours through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC)
3. Assist the CNE Coordinator to lead the VACPN Planning Team in establishing Provider Unit goals and nursing education plan for each annual Fall Conference and Spring Seminar based on participant feedback and nursing peer reviews via Regional Representatives
4. Assist the President of VACPN to review Provider Unit Outcomes prior to each b-annual Executive Committee meeting. All comments from the event participants are considered as expressed on the evaluation. Each educational event, programming difficulties, quality of presenters, and overall program is assessed relative to the nursing educational plan
5. Assist the President to evaluate Provider Unit effectiveness from the members at large via formal and informal channels (e.g. regional meetings, feedback-solicitation surveys, and email correspondence).
6. Assist the CNE Coordinator to coordinate the annual survey (each February) of the Regional Representatives through the Regional Representative Coordinator to solicit feedback/guidance about past educational offerings and suggestions for future topics
7. Assist the CNE Coordinator to prepare and provide evaluation forms and certificates for successful completion of CNE contact hours for all participants of the Fall Conference and Spring Seminar
8. Attends scheduled Executive Committee Meetings as coordinated with the CNE Coordinator in his/her planned absence.
Duties of the Secretary shall include:
1. VACPN membership in good standing.
2. Take minutes at all VACPN business meetings and at all VACPN Executive Committee meetings.
3. Distributes copies of the minutes to all members of the Executive Committee and maintains a file of all meeting minutes.
4. Completes correspondence and other mailings as the need arises.
5. Works with the Social Media Specialist to promote VACPN events.
6. Attends all scheduled business meetings, Executive Committee meetings, each Spring Seminar, each Fall Conference, and each special committee meeting as assigned. If unable to attend, will send a representative (VACPN member) with the agenda, minutes, etc.
7. Completes and submits to Executive Committee any assigned VACPN reports.
8. Prepares the agenda in conjunction with the VACPN President for each meeting.
9. Function as an active member of the Planning Team for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE), helping to identify learning needs, current issues and concerns, suggested topics; evaluating performance and accomplishing goals and objectives; recruiting suitable speakers; and identifying resources to be used in accomplishing the educational mission.
10. Assumes responsibilities for all duties of the Treasurer in their absence or in case of their resignation.
Duties of the Treasurer shall include:
1. VACPN membership in good standing.
2. Keeps an accurate account of all funds.
a. If necessary will change VACPN bank account to a bank in her/his area and get new checks.
b. Will keep VACPN bank account balance by ledger, making deposits, and writing all checks or making payment through VACPN debit card Deposit and document all deposits for membership, retreats, and conferences by persons/members name. Keep all bank statements.
c. Will give prepare and present the treasurer’s report at all meetings.
d. Will order supplies or send checks to those who request supplies approved by the Executive Committee.
e. Will keep account of association membership list changes and distributes list of membership yearly to the Executive Committee and Regional Representatives.
3. Attends all scheduled Executive Committee meetings, all business meetings, each yearly seminar, each fall conference, each special committee meeting as assigned, or sends a representative to the meeting.
4. Function as an active member of the Planning Team for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE), helping to identify learning needs, current issues and concerns, suggested topics; evaluating performance and accomplishing goals and objectives; recruiting suitable speakers; and identifying resources to be used in accomplishing the educational mission.
5.. Assumes responsibilities for all duties of the Vice President in their absence or resignation.
Duties of the Social Media Specialist include:
1. VACPN membership in good standing.
2. Assist with maintaining the official VACPN website.
3. Assist with external communication, event planning, promotional publications.
4. Create necessary brochures in coordination with VACPN Secretary and copy for awareness, education, and marketing purposes.
5. Increase brand value and loyalty through social and other forms of media.
6. Facilitate and monitor on-line registration and PayPal for events.
7. Be available as a point of contact for any questions or concerns regarding VACPN and facilitate in re-directing consumers to appropriate sources to best meet their needs in coordinating with the VACPN President.
8. Assist in conducting on-line surveys and reporting feedback to the Executive Committee.
9. Assist with all print and digital media as well as maintaining all social media pages, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.…
10. Attends all scheduled Business Meetings, Executive Committee Meetings, Spring Conference, each Fall Conference, and each special committee meeting assigned. If unable to attend, will send a representative (VACPN Member) with needed information.
11. Function as an active member of the Planning Team for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE), helping to identify learning needs, current issues and concerns, suggested topics; evaluating performance and accomplishing goals and objectives; recruiting suitable speakers; and identifying resources to be used in accomplishing the educational mission.
12. Assumes responsibilities for all duties of the Secretary in their absence or resignation.
Duties of the Regional Representative shall include:
1. VACPN membership in good standing.
2. Recruits nurses working in mental health, mental retardation, and substance abuse within the region for membership in the Virginia Association of Community Psychiatric Nurses.
a. By phone call and letter, keep a list of all nurses in each CSB in her/his region (even non-members) for special mailings and to recruit new interest and memberships. Maintain close contact with these nurses to pass information and initiate new ideas and concerns.
b. Communicate ideas and concerns to President or Vice-President.
3. Facilitates regional activities as decided by the group of nurses representing that region. (If quarterly meetings are ruled out, will ensure that avenues for continued communication are open and available.) Organizes meetings, maintains agenda, and sends out notices to each member in her region. Presides over meeting and acts as mediator under Robert’s Rules of Order. Utilize conference calls and or e-mail to reach out or contact members and or potential members.
4. Serves as a contact person for the Region to pass along information: attends all scheduled Executive Committee meetings, all business meetings, each yearly retreat, each Fall Conference, each special committee meeting as assigned and gives a regional report, or will send a representative to each meeting with her/his report and ideas. Attends other conferences, meetings, and groups in the region to educate others about VACPN as opportunities arise.
5. Solicits input from nurses within the region by phone calls, meetings, surveys, etc. and will present the information gathered (whether) or not she/he is in agreement with issues/concerns.
6. Arranges for representation on each special committee that is formed, with at least one member from that region.
Duties of the Regional Representative Coordinator:
1. VACPN member in good standing and experience in the role of a Regional Representative
2. Maintain close contact with Regional Representatives to share information from the Executive Committee, to initiate new ideas and address concerns.
3. Monitor for state- wide Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Intellectual Disability activities and keep Regional Representative informed of such activities, so that regional nurses may engage in and support such activites.4. Serve as a resource to Regional Representatives in the recruitment of membership through outreach to various community partnerships to promote interest in psychiatric nursing.
5. Works with Regional Representatives to ensure that each Region has representation on any Special Committees that are formed.
6. Coordinates information sharing with the Executive Committee for any Regional Representatives that are unable to attend the Executive Committee Business Meetings.
7. Function as an active member of the Planning Team for Continuing Nursing Education (CNE), helping to identify learning needs, current issues and concerns, suggested topics; evaluating performance and accomplishing goals and objectives; recruiting suitable speakers; and identifying resources to be used in accomplishing the educational mission.
8. Attend all scheduled VACPN Executive Committee Business Meetings, all business meetings, each yearly seminar and fall conference, and each Special Committee meeting as assigned.
Last updated 10/27/2015 SD