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VACPN Spring Conference Business Meeting Mintues


May 7, 2015

11AM -12:30PM




WELCOMING STATEMENTS Lisa Babilon, VACPN President, opened the meeting, welcoming those new to VACPN events and thanking everyone for attending.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES  Lisa requested review of October, 2014 Fall Conference Business meeting minutes for approval and/or discussion.  Nina Beaman motioned for approval with Cheryl Zellmer second.  All approved.

APPROVAL OF TREASUERS REPORT  Lisa requested review of report for approval and/or discussion.  Lisa Babilon motioned for approval and LuAnn Saner second.  General discussion on funds to date, and amount due for payment of current conference.  Irma requested breakdown on future reports to reflect income and expenses related to each conference, with Treasurer to report details at the next Executive meeting.


CNE Provider Status: 

Irma reports that VACPN has obtained approval of Provider of CNE through the VNA for period of three years.  Irma acknowledged the work of the group and Kirk Morton that went into the provider status application process.  Advises that quality outcomes (how does the training event influence your practice) will be measured and that a survey for the Spring Conference will be added to the VACPN web site.  An additional 0.5 CE is available upon completion of survey.  Mass email will go out to membership once the survey is posted on the site. 

Board of Nursing Updates:  

Jennifer Phelps holds LPN position on BON and provided group with recent updates.  BON is comprised of two Citizen members, two LPN members and four RN members.  Two positions will come open in 2016.  Duties require three-four days every other month, with term of four years.  BON reimburses for hotel and meal expenses.  CSB nurse representation is recommended due to the volume of MH and SA case reviews.  BON is available for educational/speaking activities.  Recent updates include  increase in number of Compact Licensure States; Criminal Background check passed; Licensure fees will increase to cover the cost of background checks.





REVIEW OF LCVN & VACSB monitored bills:  (

Lisa updated group on bills.

·         HB1413:  hospital discharge procedures; designation of individual to receive information and instructions.  Signed by the Governor.  Effective 7/1/15.  LCVN & VCSB supported.

·         SB1410: crisis intervention specialist.  Tabled in House Committee on Health, Welfare, and Institutions.  VACSB opposed.

·         SB773:  Psychiatric treatment of minors; objecting minors.  Signed by the Governor.  Effective 7/1/15.  VACB opposed.

·         HB1456:  reports of substance abuse by a pregnant woman to CPS.  Tabled in House Committee on Health, Welfare, and Institutions.  LCVN & VACSB opposed.





Regional Rep Coordinator:

Lisa informed the members that the Executive Committee reviewed Regional Rep Coordinator Officer as saw the need to have an experience Regional Rep assist the Regional Reps with regional activities.  The Executive Committee approved the position with the following duties.  The office will be an elected position that is carried out through nomination and election held by the Regional Reps and Alternates.  The office is a two-year term.

·         Assist the Regional Rep in the development of recruit activities.

·         Maintains close contact with Regional Reps and Alternates.

·         Attends Executive Committee Meetings to communicate information from Regional Area’s that Rep is unable to attend the Executive Meetings.

·         Facilitates Annual Survey with  the Regional reps.

Fall Conference: 

Conference is due to be held in Region V; however, there has been no activity from Region V to secure a facility.  Lisa advised the group that due to limited time that we need to move forth with deciding on an alternate location and securing the facility.  Numerous members suggested that we return to the Craddock Terry Hotel and Conference Center in Lynchburg.  Motion made by Lisa and second by Sharon to move forth with securing the Craddock Terry site.  Jennifer Phelps will make contact to secure the facility with date of Nov. 6, with knowledge that we may need to adjust the date if the facility is booked.  Conferences ideas:

·         Nursing Ethics, with invitation to Irma Mahone to present this topic.  Irma gladly accepted.  Irma is currently teaching Nursing Ethics at EMU.

·         Scope of Nursing Practice

·         Standards of Practice

·         Advanced Psychiatric Directives. 

·         Dinner program provided by Otsuka.



Lisa informed the group that she has enjoyed her terms as President and that she not able to continue in the office secondary to employer obligations.  Lisa informed the group that the Executive Committee held an ad hock Business Meeting on 5/5/15 to review options for filling the positions of President, Secretary, and Social Media Specialist. Lisa informed members that there is interest expressed by members in sharing the role of President.  Advises that VACPN has had co-presidents in the past and that the Executive Committee has agreed that we move forth with sharing of the position.   Lisa also advised the group that in the background work there has been ongoing discussions with members that expressed interest in taking roles that are more active in the Leadership of VACPN.  She asked that in addition to any nominations from members, that members that wish to seek an office could nominate themselves.

·         Co-President Nominations:  Nomination made for Jennifer Phelps who accepted the nomination.  Nomination carried by the voting membership.  Nomination made for Crystal Hicks, who in not in attendance, however Crystal has expressed interest and agreed to accept nomination if made.  Nomination carried by voting membership.

·         Secretary:  Nomination made for LuAnn Saner.  LuAnn accepted the nomination.  Nomination carried by the voting membership.

·         Social Media Specialist:  Nomination made for Michele Morgan.  Michele accepted the nomination.  Nomination carried by the voting membership.

Meeting broke into Regional Area’s with attendee seeking and voting for Regional and Alternate Reps for each Region.

Region I:    Nina Beaman, Regional Rep

                    Marguerite Murray, Alternate

Region II:   Randy Acosta, Regional Rep

                    Joann Berkson, Alternate

Region III:  Patricia Crissman, Regional Rep

                    Debbie Melillo, Alternate

Region IV:  Lisa Babilon, Regional Rep

                    Marina Sinyard, Alternate

Region V:   Joan Archie, Regional Rep

                    Alison O’Brien, Alternate


Regional reports:


Region I:   Jan Puffenberger, no activity

Region II:  Joann Berson, July 2014 Dinner program sponsored by Jansen and was                                                  well attended.

Region III:  Patricia Crissman, no activity

Region IV:  Marina Sinyard, no activity

Region V:    Regional Rep inactive, no activity


Lisa requested Regional Reps and Alternates meet before end of conference to elect the office of Regional Rep Coordinator.  Meeting adjourned.




Respectfully Submitted,

Sharon Daniels, Vice-President                        

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