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VACPN Secretary's Report 8/4/17

VACPN Executive Business Meeting Minutes

Secretary’s Report

Valley CSB

August 4, 2017 10 AM to 2 PM

Meeting Facilitators: Jen Phelps/Crystal Hicks/Lisa Babilon, VACPN Co-Presidents


Jen Phelps, Co-President; Sharon Daniels, Vice President; Nina Beaman, CNE Coordinator; Lisa Babilon, Co-President; Michele Morgan, incoming Secretary/Social Media Specialist; Jan Puffenberger, Region I Rep; LuAnn Saner, outgoing Secretary; Angela Harris, Region IV Alternate Rep

·  10:00 AM: Call to order – Lisa made the call to order

·  Induction of new officers – Lisa Babilon & Jen Phelps, Co-Presidents; Michele

    Morgan- Secretary; Crystal Hicks- Social Media Specialist

              ·  Crystal is no longer able to be Social Media Specialist, Michele will

                 continue these duties with assistance from Jen


·  Approval of minutes from last meeting

a)     Secretary’s Report

       *Motion to accept – Sharon made a motion to accept, Nina seconded – all in 

        favor, none opposed

b)    Treasurer’s Report

       *Motion to accept – Lisa made a motion to accept, Nina seconded – all in favor,

        none opposed


·  Old Business

a)     Fall Conference 2017 Review

                 Confirm speakers, drug rep vendors, and Thursday night dinner 

                 sponsor.  Conference cost: $125.00.  $79.00 plus tax for hotel room. 

                 Deadline for registration is 9/28/17.

b)    Fall 2017 Speakers

            - Dr. Jaime Bamford - Developmental impact of drug addiction with the child


            - Jennifer Hudson- impact on addiction and pregnant women, and drug     

              dependent babies

            - Sara Jennings, sexual assault nurse examiner - impact of drug addiction

              and sexual assault

c)     Dinner sponsored by Janssen (David Dort).  Location: Giovanni's Pasta Pizza

        Palace, 2006 Atlantic Avenue, Virginia Beach, VA 23451.  Speaker: Kent

        McDaniel (see flyer).  Attendees must register for dinner separately by



·      VBON – Jen Phelps

·      Jen was recently reappointed to the BON.  She shared that they are currently

       looking to fill two LPN seats.

·      VACSB– Sharon Daniels

·      Sharon went to the VACSB spring conference in May and represented VACPN. 

·      Discussed conversation about needing to focus more on what we do well versus

       what is not being done in CSBs. 

·      Discussed ARTS, OBOTS, and many issues surrounding opioid abuse.

·      Most long-acting injectables through Medicaid are now available as point-

       of-sale through pharmacies (effective 7/1/17).

·      Workforce shortage is a big issue at state facilities.

·      CCC Plus – new statewide Medicaid managed care program

·      Same-day access and Just-in-Time Scheduling for Prescribers

·      VACSB Public Policy Conference – October 2017 in Williamsburg

·      LCVN – Lisa Babilon: No new updates

·      Social Media – Michele Morgan: No new updates

·      NIMH – JoAnn Berkson: No new updates

·      VNA – Nina Beaman:  VNA is having a nurse staffing summit in September 

       15-16, 2017 in Richmond and a legislative summit on November 14, 2017 in


·      CNEs – Nina Beaman

·      Regional Rep: No new updates

·  New Business

·  Spring Conference location 2018 is Shrine Mont – will be held April 18, 19, and 20,

   2017.  Jan is coordinating the conference and has spoken with Donna at Shrine

   Mont who will put our contract together in the fall.

·  Spring 2018 Planning 

       a)     We will focus the Spring Conference on sexual addiction and treatment - 

               identifying potential victims and predators, a speaker to discuss

               victimology, and someone from the ID field to address sexual addiction or

               abuse or acting out behaviors within the ID population and how our ID

               nurses can best address these issues.  We are trying to do a better job of

               providing programming for our ID nurse population. 

       b)     Tentative conference title: “Sex and the Commonwealth”

       c)     Conference outcome: The nurse will be able to identify problematic 

               sexual behaviors and their impact on families and society.

       d)     Friday morning speaker: Dr. Robert Gardella is confirmed to speak – can 

               do a case review (someone with sex offense history) and cover overall

               “risk assessment and management” and some of the med treatment for

               sex offenders.

       e)      Thursday speaker: Jeff Wilder from CVTC has been confirmed to speak

                about sexual behaviors/acting out and issues within the ID population

       f)      Thursday speaker: We have a Sex Offender Therapist who will speak on

                treatment programs and groups and resources within the CSB and

                community setting.

       g)     We are planning to reach out to Dr. Evan Nelson who has done a lot of

               outpatient sex offender evaluations (“300”) to discuss victimology.

       h)     We would like to have a forensic nurse speak and join the panel

               discussion about identifying a victim and how to guide them through the  

               process of reporting.  Nina will see if she can contact a Sexual Assault

               Nurse Examiner.

       i)      Keynote speaker on Thursday: From NAMI?– Angela will try to find a

               contact for this.

       j)      Alkermes (Aristada & Vivitrol) to sponsor dinner/reception

                        - Instead of a sponsored dinner (since dinner is included in Shrine

                          Mont cost), we will ask the sponsor if they can do a wine/dessert

                          reception after dinner.

       k)    Add a mindfulness/self-care activity to Thursday night at Spring

              Conference (7 PM to 8 PM?)

                        - Ideas: paint night, yoga meditation, dancing, speaker on self-care

                        - Jen can do a paint night event (these should be hour sessions)

                        - Marina could possibly take a group for a hike

                        - Jen has a Family Feud game that would be a great icebreaker

                        - Possibly have yoga in the morning before breakfast?


·      Update website: conference registration is now open on our website

·      Consider making Regional Reps responsible for keeping a list of drug rep

       vendors and reaching out before each conference event

·      Michele will add a “Program List “section on the registration forms for each

       conference to track and make e-mail lists for Programs ex. Outpatient, PACT,

       CS, etc.

·      Fall Location for 2018?

                        - Craddock Terry has offered to host us again

                        - LuAnn will look into possible conference locations in Old Town

                          Alexandria and Reston

·      Consider increasing vendor fee for next year?


·  Adjournment – 2:00 PM


Minutes submitted by Michele Morgan, RN, BSN, VACPN Secretary

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