May 8, 2014
10:30 – 12:30PM
WELCOMING STATEMENTS Lisa Babilon, VACPN President, opened the meeting, welcoming attendees new to VACPN events and thanking everyone for attending.
Lisa requested review of October 2013 Fall Conference Business meeting minutes for approval and/or discussion. Jan Puffenberger motioned for approval with Joann Berkson second. All approved.
Lisa requested review of report for approval and/or discussion. Kirk Morton motioned for approval with Joyce Southern second. General discussion on funds to date, and amount due for payment of current conference. All approved.
VACSB Spring Conference Report:
Sharon Daniels attended the conference as representative for VACPN. Sharon reported on conference topics which included: Mental Health Law Changes, State of the State and National Perspectives, Council meetings for IDS, Prevention, Human Resources, MH and SA, Child and Family, Emergency Services, Executive Directors Forum, and break-out sessions on various topics such as Cognitive Enhancement Therapy, person centered behavioral interventions, Emotional Intelligence for Leaders, Emotional CPR, Rewiring Habitual Reactions to Distress Tolerance for Leaders, and others. Sharon attended the reception for outgoing Executive Director Maryann Bergeron with announcement of incoming Executive Director Jennifer Faison. Sharon reports that there was public recognition of VACPN as charter member of VACSB and representation at the conference. Sharon reports that she was approached by various attendees, including some that thought she was representative of a Nursing Council within VACSB and sought input on various issues, such as the Medication Error Reporting system developed by DBHDS. Secretary Hazel reported at the conference that a four year study through a MH Task Force will be looking at all aspects of the system including CSB’s and urged CSB’s to be proactive to get ahead of the workgroup in defining what we do best and how well we do it and what it really cost.Debra Ferguson, Ph.D new Commissioner of DBHDS spoke briefly on her background and her plans that will range from a perspective of collaboration, to be visible and accessible and visit the front lines of the CSB’s.Sharon encouraged others to consider attending and suggested that VACPN move forth in approaching VASCB with the development of a Nursing Council.
Medicaid Expansion:
Lisa reports this remains an ongoing work I process and urges all to contact their Legislative Representative.
CEU: Irma reported that that VACPN has completed the 3 event requirement and that she will apply for provider status for VACPN with the VNA. Nina Beaman (VNA) provided further clarification on contact hours equating to continuing nursing education units.
DBHDS: Serious Injury Reporting of medication errors under neglect. Suggestion that VACPN provide data to DBHDS of published research data on the appropriate handling of medication errors. Marina Sinyard indicted that she has access to relevant published research that can be provided.
Nurse Council Status with VACSB: Lisa agreed to draft a letter and requested membership input and ideas be sent to her.
Webinar offer from LCVN: presentation by Allyson Tysinger, Office of Attorney General on Mental Health Law Changes open to VACPN members if interested. 22 members expressed interest for an evening live webinar.
Fall Conference: October 210, 2014 at Hyatt House in Henrico, VA Facility has been reserved and we have committed and potential speakers in place. Executive Committee will met in August to finalize plans.
Election of Vice President and Treasurer.·
Vice President: Sharon Daniels nominated and agreed to accept the nomination if her current position as Secretary was filled. Nomination carried by membership vote.·
Treasurer: Sonja Mohr nominated Sonja accepted the nomination and nomination carried by membership vote.·
Secretary: Donna Horan nominated and accepted the nomination. Nomination carried by member vote.
Membership expressed appreciation to outgoing Treasurer Louise Pesnicak for serving in the position for several terms.
Break-out for Regional Meetings and Election of Regional Representatives
Region I Jan Puffenbarger,Regional Rep
Debra Bliesner, Alternate
Region II Randy Acosta, Regional Rep
Joann Berkson, Alternate
Region III Krista Hicks, Regional Rep
Patricia Crissman, Alternate
Region IV Kirk Morton, Regional Rep
Marina Sinyard, Alternate
Region V Pamela Nicholls, Regional Rep
Maria Olivas, Alternate
Region I: Donna Horan reports Region met at Strasburg Hotel for networking. Region II, III, IV and V: No meeting activity, although outreach continues with new attendees at this conference from the regions.
Submitted: Sharon Daniels