Executive Committee Meeting
August 5, 2016
Valley CSB
Attendance: Jen Phelps, Co-President; Crystal Hicks, Co-President; Sharon Daniels, Vice-President; LuAnn Saner, Secretary; Michele Morgan, Social Media Specialist; Nina Beaman, Incoming CNE Coordinator; Irma Mahone, Transitioning CNE Coordinator.
Regional representatives:
Region I Rep: Jan Puffenberger
Region II Rep: Randy Acosta
Absent: Treasurer Sonya Mohr; Regional Rep Coordinator Allison Downer O’Brien; Region III Rep Patricia Crissman; Region IV Rep Lisa Babilon; Region V Rep Joanne Archie.
Jennifer Phelps, Co-President, made call to order at 10:19 AM.
LuAnn passed out minutes from the Spring Conference business meeting. Jan made a motion to accept; Jen seconded the motion.
Discussion pertaining to Meeting Minutes ensued:
Irma inquired as to what Robert’s Rules of Order says about reading minutes from an executive committee meeting versus minutes from a general membership meeting. She recommended that when the entire membership is there that we should be reading the minutes from the previous general membership meeting. She raised the question of whether we should be posting executive committee minutes to the entire membership or if we should present a summary Executive Committee Report. Irma also recommended presenting reports from each Regional Meeting at the general membership business meetings, which Nina also strongly encouraged that we do. Jan suggested reviewing Robert’s Rules of Order for guidance regarding presentation of full membership minutes versus Executive Committee minutes versus an Executive Committee Report. Irma proposed having an Executive Committee Report and requested a motion, which was deferred for discussion under New Business.
Treasurer Sonya Mohr was unable to attend. She will be sending out a detailed treasurer’s report but Jen read the text message Sonya had sent to her. The current balance as of today’s date is $7,493.70. A deposit in the amount of $737.10 was given to Craddock Terry for the fall conference. A payment of $6,867.16 was paid to Shrine Mont for the spring conference. Jan mentioned that a payment from her agency for this conference, the Hampton – Newport News Community Services Board (HNNCSB) needed to still be processed. She also pointed out that the usual vendors had not come and noted that there had not really been a convenient place for them to go.
In other matters, Irma asked if anybody uses Microsoft Money, and suggested that this might be a useful tool with which to work. She also suggested borrowing an LCD projector for the fall conference rather than paying the $100 fee charged by the facility.
Sharon made a motion to accept the Treasurer’s report and Nina seconded.
Spring Post-Conference Survey:
· This is a new process for us. Eight or nine people responded. Sharon said she wasn’t sure
how many people are going to the VACPN website and that there’s a big lack of follow
through on the part of members with regard to completing the survey. Jen mentioned that
the website tracks the traffic coming to it and that much of it is from other CSBs. She
suggested that they like that we ‘like’ their stuff. Jen said that the biggest problem is
getting VACPN members to share our feeds and pointed out that the key to being seen is
for members to share VACPN postings on their personal FB feeds. Nina felt that members,
once they got their CNE certificate at the conference, were happy and done, and not
inclined to pursue completing the survey. Jen proposed possibly having the CNE
completion certificate made available for printing once a member completes the survey.
Nina alternatively proposed having people at the next conference complete the
post-conference survey for a 0.5 CNE credit. Irma pointed out that this would not work due
to the Virginia Nurses Association’s requirement that a CNE report be submitted by July 1
each year.
Fall Post-Conference Review Addendums:
· LuAnn brought up that there had been areas within the conference room where the sound
had been challenging to hear.
· Nina reminded everyone that having reps from pharmaceutical companies inside the VACPN
conference would be an issue with the ANCC. She pointed out that there is plenty of space
for them and that they should continue to remain outside the conference room. She added
that for the upcoming conference, the CSBs will be having information booths, and that
these could be placed to one side within the conference room.
Spring Post-Conference Review:
· Crystal reviewed what the various regions came up with during their breakout sessions for
topics of interest to cover at future conferences. Jen shared that she felt this had been a
good way to help keep the breakout sessions focused. Crystal also suggested that regions
may wish to consider using Skype to meet with one another.
· There was discussion regarding members’ use of Facebook: that of their respective CSBs,
as well as their use of the VACPN closed group and fan pages. Jan shared that her agency
(Rappahannock Rapidan CSB) now has a FB page as does Rappahannock Area CSB. Jen
pointed out that VACPN has both a closed group FB page and a fan FB page (also known as
a business page). She distinguished between the types of information posted to each,
stating that she might post things that are good for VACPN members to be aware of on the
closed group page, versus a wide variety of general interest mental health related posts on
the fan page, such as items pertaining to CSB non-profit partners in the Lynchburg area.
She emphasized that the fan page is a good community teaching tool. Jen reminded
everyone that links to both the closed group and the fan pages are on the VACPN website.
Joining the closed group is a very easy matter of clicking a link. Irma proposed requesting
members to bring their laptops to the conference. Jen followed with a suggestion that
perhaps there could be an icebreaker activity where, if everyone had either their laptops or
tablets with them, members could become more familiar with these pages.
· Irma reviewed future topics that were suggested in the CNE Evaluation Summaries: Market
Analysis of Job Outlooks; Integrative Mind / Body / Spirit matters; Quality of Care; NAMI /
REVIVE / Train the Trainer / Suboxone; Collaborative Documentation; and Site Certification.
· Nina asked if Shrinemont had asked why we weren’t coming back next spring. Jan pointed
out that they have always been very accommodating to VACPN.
VACSB (Sharon Daniels, VACPN representative):
· Sharon distributed two handouts: VACSB Policy & Budget Priorities, and a tentative conference schedule. She also discussed the council meetings. Irma threw out for consideration, “Should nurses form VACPN form a council?” Sharon pointed out that, for it to be effective, the council nurses would have to attend the VACSB conferences, and the CSBs would have to support their attending. Jen also added that the nurses had been encouraged to participate first, prior to forming a council, and also mentioned that VACPN is promoting everything that VA SB does. Jan recognized Lisa and Sharon for having done a marvelous job as VACPN representatives to the VACSB, pointing out that Lisa had been welcomed in as a peer. Irma proposed asking Lisa to participate in the event a council is eventually formed, where her lobbying skills could be put to good use. She suggested that this appears to be a potential avenue for VACPN to get a voice at the governor’s table. Nina cautioned that we cannot do political advocacy, but Irma countered that this was different and that there would not be any prohibitions against this. Jen also added that with most VACPN members being employees of the CSB, they are obligated to be in line with the governor. Moving forward, Crystal asked for clarification, if the recommendation then is to have two people attend V CSB meetings. Nina suggested forming an ad-hoc committee. Sharon pointed out that the next council meetings (BHA and Substance Abuse) were coming up soon – August 17 at 9:00 AM at the Charlottesville Doubletree Hotel. Jen suggested that Kirk Morton might be able to attend.
VA Board of Nursing (VBON) (Jen Phelps, Secretary):
· Jen shared that the VBON is receiving over 2,000 calls / day, pertaining to a variety of inquiries, including criminal background checks. She ventured that the recent uptick in contacts may have to do with school systems having just let out new graduates. Jen had suggested to them that they set up a FB page with information. She reported that the VBON wants people to use their email system, and that board members who get contact have been advised to redirect inquiries to staff for processing.
· Randy brought up for discussion the topic of med aide training, advocating that this might be a banner for the VBON to pick up. She pointed out that medication administration is a nursing function, yet in VA, only pharmacists and pharmacy techs do med aide training. She emphasized that they do not have the medication administration knowledge that nurses have, and shared that she has run into all kinds of problems with this. She asked, “Why do nurses not have oversight of this?” “Who’s watching the store in group homes?” Jan suggested that this might be an issue to bring to the VACSB Board of Directors. Jen noted that a lot of CSB report problems with medication aides, but reminded everyone to keep in mind why there are medication aides in the first place regarding the work load for med management.
Legislative Coalition of Virginia Nurses (LCVN) (Lisa Babilon):
· Lisa was not present, but she submitted an LCVN report via email for the Executive
Committee members to read.
· Nina, a 26 year member of LCVN, shared that they made the bold move of looking to
become a 501c3 so that they can do political advocacy. She said a lot of grass roots
individuals and groups bring issues to LCVN. Jen suggested also getting them connected to
· Nina also shared that LCVN wants to map out a year of meetings, and suggested the Zoom
Room as a means by which interested parties can participate online.
Virginia Nurses Association (VNA) (Nina Beaman):
· Nina relayed that they have been focused on the paradigm shift that is moving to a culture of wellness. She said that others with the VNA have approached her to inquire what VACPN is doing to promote a culture of wellness. Irma pointed out that prevention is what the CSB is all about, saying that community psych nursing has been doing this all the time. Nina concurred, saying that community psych nurses have been doing this for decades, but now all of nursing is beginning to make this paradigm shift.
· Nina also mentioned that November 11, 2016 is “Ledge Day” – what the VNA is referring to as a ‘legislative summit.’ It will be very focused on key topics for legislative advocacy with the Virginia General Assembly. The session will be more informative, rather than participatory.
CNEs (Irma Malone):
· Irma reported that VACPN has been approved as a CNE provider for a period of three
years, beginning May 6, 2015 through May 21, 2018. A renewal must be requested 90
days prior to the expiration date.
· Irma noted that the CNE report submitted in July did not include those who got the 0.5
credit for completing the online post-conference survey.
· Jen shared that the VBON is looking at nurses’ CNEs.
National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH) Report (Joann Berkson):
· Joann was not presented but had submitted a handout for Executive Committee members to read. A highlight of note was that Joshua Gordon, MD, a researcher at Columbia University who is very interested in depression, has been named as the new director. He will be arriving in December. Dr. Susan Azrin, program chief of the Primary Care Research Program in NIMH’s Division of Services and Intervention Research, was also mentioned.
Social Media (Jen Phelps/Michele Morgan):
· VACPN awards/recognition for CSBs promoting mental health awareness through social media were discussed. Jen said that she had sent out emails to VACPN members requesting recommendations but had not received any. She also mentioned that New River Valley had not yet received their award, and suggested that maybe VACPN could invite them to come to the fall conference.
· Jen reminded everyone that VACPN shares CSB posts on VACPN’s FB pages.
· Jen said that VACPN will recognize Blue Ridge CSB and New River Valley CSB with awards at the fall conference. She also brought up for discussion whether or not VACPN would like to recognize a nurse (no nominations had been received for that either.) Nina said that she would like to see more psych nurses recognized.
· Jen proposed recognizing VACPN members who have done x number of years of service by presenting them with a pin. She asked if we should do 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25, and added that this coming spring we would also need to do 30. Nina made a motion to recognize VACPN members with 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 years of service, and Randy seconded. Jen added that we should also place these members’ pictures on the VACPN website.
Induction of New Officers.
· Sharon was reelected vice-president for a two year term. Nina was elected CNE coordinator for a two-year term. Irma, the exiting CNE coordinator gave Nina a thumb drive with all her files. Sonya was reelected treasurer for a two year term. All regional reps are one year terms. Irma clarified that the thought behind one-year terms for this position is that this allows ‘the baton to be passed around.”
Regional Rep Reports
Regional Rep Coordinator (Allison Downer O’Brien):
· Allison was not present, but submitted a regional rep coordinator report.
There was some discussion about how to get CSBs within regions to meet. Jen mentioned that Region 3 hasn’t yet tried to utilize email or Skype to meet. Both Patricia Crissman, the Region 3 Rep, and Debbie have reached out to other CSBs within their region. They both are able to attend the fall and spring conferences but not Executive Committee meetings. Crystal pointed out that young nurses want to be more active with their peers, and that it would be nice to get them connected to regional meetings. Nina offered throwing her Zoom Room over to regions 1 and 3. Irma inquired if that should be thrown open to all the regions, and asked, given the current small number of people from region 3, if they could connect with all the regions that meet online. Jen then asked if Nina could open Zoom Room meetings to all regions. Nina said that she would be willing to conduct a pilot to open it up to all the regions. She offered to do it the first time. Jen suggested that the regional rep coordinator might do subsequent ones. Irma brought up having the regional reps invite members from their regions, and also having members bring their laptops to the fall conference, so that they can learn hands on that joining the meetings is an easy matter of clicking a link.
Fall Conference Planning
· Debbie Bonniwell of Blue Ridge Behavioral Healthcare will give the opening remarks. Jen said to allow 15 minutes for this. She suggested inviting them to have a booth at the fall conference. Jan offered to reach out to them.
· Trula Minton, the new Interim Chief Nursing Officer at Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center, will speak about the career ladder within psych nurse management. In 2014 she was appointed by Governor McAuliffe to represent the Board of Nursing on the Advisory Board of the Department of Health Professions. Nina will coordinate with her regarding the awarding of CNEs. Nina said to put the following in the brochure as her speech topic: “Inspiring Future Nursing Leaders.” Irma added that 1.5 CNEs will be awarded for attending her talk, as she will be speaking for 1.5 hours.
· Jen, reading from Joann’s handout, said that Susan Azrin from NIMH will be talking about the RAISE project, which is an acronym for Recovery after an Initial Schizophrenia Episode. She said to put the following in the brochure as her speech topic: “RAISE Project: Research-Informed Change.”
· Jen said that David Cassise of the Lynchburg Treatment Center would be speaking on “Changes in Opioid Addiction Treatment.” She added that a consultant for one of the pharmaceutical companies – Deanna Gill – would also be speaking.
· Jen told all the speakers that Nina would be getting in touch with them to obtain their bios and other details. She discussed inviting local CSB directors to have booths that could be set up along the wall inside the conference room (Granite Hall), while having pharmaceutical reps set up their booths outside the conference room. Jen noted that the cost to VACPN for use of Granite Hall is $700.
· Conference costs were discussed. The cost quoted for 40 people for continental breakfast, lunch (pasta and picnic-style options), and snacks, was $418.50. This price is all-inclusive, covering set-up and clean-up. The deposit paid to hold a block of hotel rooms was $700.00, which they will hold until October 15. The room price for VACPN members is $139.00 / night, which Jan got Craddock Terry to agree to extend until October 15. This date will be highlighted in bold on the brochure. Jan mentioned that they have 44 rooms, but they’re only blocking 30 at the reduced rate. She said that as of date, only one person has reserved a room.
· Vendor fees will continue to be $650.00.
· Conference fees were discussed. Randy said she felt it was reasonable to charge $100.00. Jan encouraged not raising the price. Jen asked if we want to open it up to APNA, and Jan agreed that we want to open it up to additional nurses. Irma inquired about offering full scholarships to students. She shared that she feels her real task is to recruit the next generation of psych nurses and that she has a student now who would definitely come if a full scholarship were offered. After some discussion, it was decided that there would be no special rates for students, however, there would be one regional scholarship per region. Irma then pointed out that the item on the VACPN website stating that nurses should ask about going for free or at a discounted rate should be taken off. Michele said that she would remove this. Jen cautioned against inadvertently seeming not friendly to students, pointing out that we haven’t been utilizing all of our regional scholarships. She suggested a cut-off date of October 5 for assigning all of the regional scholarships, after which those unused may be offered to students. Anyone with a student should contact their regional rep. The scholarship will only cover the cost of the conference. There was an inquiry as to whether or not people could sign up at the door if they did not pre-register for the conference. Jen said that they have never turned anyone away who did, but that a disclaimer should be placed on the brochure that if you do, food is not guaranteed.
· Irma asked if we want to put objectives on the brochures so as to convey what the conference is about. Nina said to list the following: 1. Describe how to inspire future nursing leaders to positively change nursing practice. 2. Describe the RAISE project and how it informs change. 3. Compare and contrast naloxone and methadone treatments for opioid addiction. Nina asked to have these sent to her and she will forward them on to the speakers.
Spring Conference Planning:
· The spring conference will be held at Meadowkirk Retreat Center in Middleburg, VA. Jan distributed copies of the reservation agreement. She met with Jenny Brown and got a tour. She reported that it is a lovely place, located between Routes 50 and 7. The cafeteria and conference area are connected. There is a large area for the pharmaceutical reps. She said that she would work with one who might want to sponsor a dinner, nothing that there are several who are interested. Jan further shared that everything is centrally located and that the inn has 20 full beds located on two floors, all of which are double rooms. There is an elevator, and the inn has a kitchen with a microwave, fridge, and coffee maker, as well as a large room with a fireplace that is a nice area to sit and read or hang out in pajamas. There is also a small conference area in that building. There is a fire pit on the grounds. The place where we would eat is separate.
· Costs were discussed. Jan said to state as final costs: $325 for a single room, or $200 for a double room. The logistics of payment were discussed. Jen said to charge one fee for everything. If you want to share a room, it’s one fee, if you don’t want to share, it’s another fee. Anyone bring a family would pay for the entire room. Jan also mentioned that there are two houses on the property as well, one with 9 rooms, and one with 3 rooms. Rooms at the inn each have their own bathroom, while rooms at the manor and welcome center each have some shared baths. Jan will be handling the room assignments, and will also sign the contract. It was agreed that scholarships recipients would be required to take a double room. The total charges by Meadowkirk would be $5,000, with a required deposit of $2,500.
· The following spring conference speakers were discussed:
o Lisa Babilon on ANCC certification for psych nurses.
o Nina Beaman on Gun Safety / Legal Risks
o Stacy, the student from UVA on Genetic Testing
o Maria Lubby
o Allison Downer O’Brien on Naloxone / Revive Training
o Sarah O’Brien from NAMI on “In Our Own Voice”
o Joan Gillece, PhD, from the SAMHSA National Center for Trauma Informed Care on Adopting versus Not Adopting Trauma Informed Care
· All of the aforementioned speakers have agreed to talk. Nina shared that with regard to the awarding of CNE credits, Nina doesn’t have 1.5 hours of material, and suggested that she could also talk about her experience being ANCC certified.
· Irma asked how do we structure this into a themed conference. With regard to Nina’s talk on Gun Safety / Legal Risks, Randy threw out the topics of Police Violence / the Perpetrator from the client’s perspective / Black Lives Matter / All Lives Matter, which Nina said she would be covering. Nina said that they could do a panel discussion on Friday morning and Randy volunteered to be another person on the panel with Nina. Irma suggested Richard Westfall, a faculty member at UVA, as another person who could potentially serve on the panel. Nina suggested that with Joan speaking on Trauma Informed Care, that perhaps Trauma Informed Care could be the theme of the spring conference.
· The following schedule for the spring conference was tentatively outlined:
Breakfast: 8:00 AM – 8:30 AM
Registration: 8:30 AM – 9:00 AM
Opening Remarks: 9:00 AM – 9:15 AM
Joan Gillece Speak: 9:15 AM – 10:15 AM
Break: 10:15 AM – 10:30 AM
Lisa Babilon Speak: 10:30 AM – 11:00 AM
Business Meeting: 11:00 AM – 12:30 PM
Lunch: 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Allison Downer O’Brien Speak: 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Break: 2:30 PM – 2:45 PM
Stacy from UVA Speak: 2:45 PM – 3:45 PM
Stop at 3:45 PM
Dinner at 5:30 PM
On Friday morning Nina would do a facilitated presentation with a panel discussion
afterwards. Randy recommended focusing on how gun violence is affecting our clients and
suggested getting both a peer and a person from the police to be on the panel. She
volunteered to reach out to find persons who may be interested. Jen also threw out the
possibility of having either an ER or a forensic nurse serve on the panel. Nina offered to
contact Joan Gillece to see about connecting with a forensic nurse. Randy offered to reach
out to Kirk Lurk, who does PR for Arlington’s CSB.
· A deadline of September 23, 2016 was set to confirm the speaker lineup for the spring conference.
Sharon inquired if it would be feasible for VACPN to pay for both Jan and her to attend the next VACSB conference. Irma made a motion to move forward and LuAnn seconded.
Meeting adjourned at 3:44 PM by Jen, seconded by LuAnn.
Respectfully Submitted, LuAnn Saner, Secretary.