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Secretary's Report 5/5/16


VACPN Spring Conference Business Meeting May 5, 2016 Shrine Mont Retreat and Conference Center, Orkney Springs, VA   Attendance: Jen Phelps, Coo-President; Crystal Hicks, Co-President; Sharon Daniels, Vice-President; LuAnn Saner, Secretary; Sonya Mohr, Treasurer; Michele Morgan, Social Media Specialist; Irma Mahone, CNE Coordinator. Regional representatives: Region 1 Rep: Nina Beaman Region 2 Rep: Randy Acosta Region 3 Rep: Patricia Crissman Region 4 Rep: Lisa Babilon Region 5 Rep: Joanne Archie Conference Attendees   WELCOMING STATEMENTS  Jen made the call to order. SECRETARY’S REPORT LuAnn presented the Secretary’s Report. TREASURER’S REPORT Sonya presented the Treasurer’s report. Following review, Sharon made a motion to accept, seconded by LuAnn. OLD BUSINESS Post-Conference Survey: The plan is to have it posted immediately at the end of the spring conference. Answering the following questions will result in an awarding of 0.5 additional CNEs: “Is there anything that has changed about your practice as a result of attending the VACPN Spring Conference?”   Fall Conference Talking Points (Jen Phelps, Co-President): Jen provided and solicited input for potential topics of interest to be covered: ·       Adapting EHR systems to meet Medicaid requirements (one person noted that         theirs did not provide a capability to enter injection-related documentation) ·       Billing problems (Proposed by Region 4) ·       ICD 10 Codes (Proposed by Region 3) ·       Recent increase in mental health-related shootings (increasing security and         mobile mock drills were proposed by Region 3; increased gun violence was              mentioned by Region 4) ·       Substance abuse issues (proposed by Region 3, who reported that they have         not been observing the same treatment effectiveness with methadone as they         have with Suboxone (buprenorphine/naloxone). ·       Recruiting nurses - still a struggle across the board for many CSBs. ·       Issues we might want to have presented at the next VACSB conference. Jen reminded attendees that we have a VACPN web page and that all feedback received will be considered in planning the fall conference.   VACSB (Sharon Daniels, VACPN representative): ·       The fall VACSB conference is scheduled for October 7-9. Sharon is planning to         attend. It will be held at the Doubletree Hotel in Charlottesville. ·       Sharon briefly discussed connections VACPN has to individuals on the         Behavioral Health Advisory Council and the Substance Abuse Services Council,         both of whom meet quarterly at the offices of the VACSB. These councils         advise the governor, the general assembly, and the Virginia Department of          Behavioral Health and Departmental Services (DBHDS) on matters pertaining         to behavioral health and substance abuse. She mentioned that Annie         Whitaker,  who is a nurse, is a council member, as well as Dr. Cathy Tierney         and Jennifer Johnson, LPC, who is the Director of Outpatient Psychiatric         Services at Valley CSB. ·       Sharon advised that those interested in learning more about bills going before         the general assembly that VACSB is watching can go to the VACSB website for         information. ·       Sharon also mentioned that VACSB is good about acknowledging that VACPN         has representation at its conference. Jen emphasized that we will try not to         have VACPN conferences at the same time as VACSB conferences in order to         ensure that the VACPN representative will not have to miss either one. The V         VACSB spring conference is scheduled for the first week in May, which has         traditionally been when VACPN has held their spring conference.   VA Board of Nursing (VBON) (Jen Phelps, Secretary VBON): ·       Jen relayed a humorous anecdote about meeting Virginia Secretary of Health         William Hazel in which he acknowledged the day-to-day challenges she faces in         her work by saying “You couldn’t pay me to do that job [PACT team].” ·       Jen shared that although Virginia offers advanced certification for CNAs, very         few are choosing to pursue that path (<50 individuals). ·       Jen reported that the VBON is now getting over 2,000 calls per day pertaining         to criminal background checks for nurses. The new classes of nurses that will          be graduating after January 1, 2016 will be going through fingerprinting and         criminal background checks as a requirement for licensure. ·       Jen mentioned that a representative from WORKFORCE always comes to the         VBON meetings, reporting that they provide a lot of good data that is helpful in         predicting the future of nursing, and that they also discuss impairment issues. ·       VBON elections were held at the last meeting. Jen Phelps is the new secretary.   Legislative Coalition of Virginia Nurses (LCVN) Lisa Babilon, representative from VACPN): ·       There are currently no bills of particular interest before the general assembly.   Virginia Nurse Association (VNA) (Nina Beaman, representative from Virginia) ·       Nina reported that the top story in the current edition of thee ANA publication,         “The American Nurse” is psychiatric nursing and invited anyone interested in         reading it to see her.   National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) (Joann Berkson) ·       Joann reported that there wasn’t anything really huge in the way of news at         this time.   Social Media (Michele Morgan): ·       Michele shared that VACPN is trying to increase its activity on Facebook. There         is a private group for members as well as a public page for anyone to "like."         VACPN would like to be more active on Twitter.  Michele requested for         members to let her know if there are any mental health-related activities that         should be posted on the VACPN Facebook page.   Awards/Recognition (Jen Phelps): ·       VACPN wishes to continue to recognize CSBs that make effective use of social         media to promote mental health awareness. The following five CSBs were         recognized at the fall 2015 conference: Horizon Behavioral Health,         Rappahannock Area CSB, New River Valley CSB, Valley CSB, and Richmond         Behavioral Health Authority. New River Valley CSB has not yet received their         award. Their communications person reported that they greatly appreciate it         and regret not having been able to send a representative to the last fall         conference. Sharon took the award for Valley CSB back with her after the         conference and presented it to the Emergency Services worker who has         stepped in the Communications role. She reported that he was very excited to         receive the award and commended him for his work, sharing that he is very         active in educating the community on the work of Valley CSB, actively reaching         out to the offices of primary care physicians. ·       Social media is changing how we communicate. A lot of CSBs are now on I         Instagram. Jen noted that Blue Ridge CSB has been doing a lot and that our         goal is to reach out and connect with them.   Regional Rep Report (Allison O’Brien): ·       Region 1: Met in Charlottesville. ·       Region 2: No Report. ·       Region 3: No Report. ·       Region 4: Did not meet. ·       Region 5: Report below:                 o   They are in the process of getting Genoa Pharmacy on site.                 o   The Virginia Beach CSB has a nurse manager position available at                      their Pathways Center.                 o   They discussed a distressing situation in which a med error occurred                      recently that resulted in a report of abuse and neglect to Adult                      Protective Services (APS). The error resulted in an individual receiving                      an excessive dose of Haldol. An internal investigation occurred over a                      week and a half, during which the individual did not receive any                      additional Haldol. The nurse involved was very distraught and wanted                      to transfer out of her program.                 o   Virginia Beach CSB will be getting Revive! Training. Trainers from                      DBHDS will come to their sites to conduct the trainings. Naloxone will                      be kept at the sites, for which the nurses will have to obtain                      prescriptions from their physicians. It was also mentioned that                      besides Naloxone, there is also a $1,000 nasal spray now. Also with                      regard to Revive! Training, it was noted that the ‘Train the Trainer’                      training is very quick and that we may wish to consider offering a                      session on Thursday night of fall conference. It was pointed out that                      we have someone coming to speak about opioids and this might be a                      good tie-in. Nina added that this ought to be of considerable interest,                      given that unintentional poisonings are the #1 causes of death in                      Virginia. NEW BUSINESS Elections for Vice-President, CNE Coordinator, and Treasurer: It was noted that by-laws allow officers to be re-elected to another term:   Vice-President: ·       Jen reviewed the duties of the Vice-President as stated in the by-laws. Of         special note, the Vice-President must attend all four VACSB meeting each year. ·       Sharon Daniels expressed interested in continuing as Vice-President. She         stepped out the room. She was unanimously reelected, unopposed.   CNE Coordinator: ·       Irma opted not to run for reelection. Both Jen and Sharon acknowledged that         this has been quite a large job that she has performed within this role. ·       Irma discussed the importance of having annual survey conducted by each of         the regional reps, “We need to implement this. We want a more active role         from the regional reps in determining conference topics.” She recommended         that the executive committee would need to draw up a survey and then have         each of the five regional reps complete it. She said that the person who does         this should have a master’s degree and a background in education. ·       Nina asked how we might wish to clarify requirements for nomination,         suggesting, “VACPN members in good standing” and posited the question “and         ‘what’ degrees?” ·       Irma made a motion to verify the education requirements for CNE Coordinator         that are set by ANCC, and then add this to the by-laws. The motion was         seconded by LuAnn. The vote was unanimous. The motion will move forward. ·       Nina expressed interest in serving as CNE Coordinator. She stepped out of the         room. She was unanimously elected, unopposed.   Treasurer: ·       Jen reviewed the requirements from the by-laws. ·       Sonya expressed interest in continuing as treasurer. She stepped out of the         room. She was unanimously elected, unopposed. ·       It was noted that we now have an active credit/debit card that others will be         able to use, “officially” following the August 5, 2015 Executive Committee         Meeting.   Spring Conference: ·       Jen shared that there had been discussion among members of the Executive         Committee to move the spring conference to thee last week in April. A motion         was made by Kirk to hold the upcoming conference on April 26, 27, and 28,         2017 or the alternate week April 19, 20, and 21, 2017, which LuAnn         seconded.  The motion carried. ·       Jan Puffenberger of Rappahannock-Rapidan CSB researched a prospective site         in Region 2 where we might hold the spring conference. She placed a call to         Meadowkirk Retreat Center in the Middleburg/Leesburg area, which she said is         ‘very pretty,' and she obtained some information. They only have 20         hotel-type rooms but there is also on option to rent a house. The locale has         hiking trails, a swimming pool, and stargazing apparatus for viewing night         skies. Following discussion with the membership, it was agreed to allow the         Executive Committee to move forward with booking Meadowkirk for the spring         conference if additional information verifies that it will not be cost-prohibitive         to attend. A deposit isn’t required until six months prior to the desired dates.         Sharon emphasized that it is important to offer both ‘retreat only’ and ‘one at a         hotel’. ·       Jen requested that everyone invite their local CSBs to come have an         information booth at our conferences. Let VACPN know if they are interested.   Fall Conference: ·       Fall conference is scheduled for November 3-4, 2016 at the Craddock Terry         Hotel in Lynchburg, VA. The title of the conference will be “Leading Change in         Nursing Practice.” ·       Jen mentioned that we want to reach out to Blue Ridge CSB to connect with         VACPN ·       Proposed Topics/Speakers              o   Nurse Administration: Trulia Minton              o   NIMH: Susan Azrin (Jen will get information on her)              o   David Cassise from Lynchburg Treatment Center: Naloxone   The Business meeting concluded with break outs into regional meetings August 2016 Committee Meeting: ·       The next meeting of the executive committee will be held on Friday, August 5,         2016, at Valley CSB.                   Respectfully Submitted, LuAnn Saner, Secretary.

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