Executive Meeting
February 3, 2012
Location: Hanover Community Services, Mechanicsville –Bell Creek Office
Attendence: Lisa Babilon, Jen Phelps, Louise Pesnicak, Chris Luchie, Irma Mahone, Jayne James, Marina Sinyard, Margurite Murray, Joyce Southern.
Meeting called to order 10:20am by President, Lisa Babilon.
Secretary’s Report: Reviewed by members attending, one item required correction. The statement referring to the decision about choosing jackets vs. hoodies was incorrect. At the time of the meeting a decision was deferred until members could select whether or not to choose the jacket or the hoodie, whether or not the VACPN would pay for these or the members themselves. Jenn P. clarified that a survey was completed after the October business meeting, on line, and the decision was made for members to order the jackets, through the website and members would purchase the jackets and pay for it themselves at the Spring Retreat. Louise motioned to accept the minutes with the noted change and Lisa seconded.
Treasurer’s Report: Presented by Louise Pesnicak, reviewed by members in attendance. Current Bal. $13291.72. Chris motioned to accept the report and Jayne seconded.
Old Business: Committee Reports
CEU’s: Irma Mahone reviewed the results of the survey- members queried about needing CEU’s, not needing, wanting to offer. Etc. Much discussion ensued on the cost of CEU’s to VACPN, the importance as an organization in offering CEU’s and the amount of work involved in the application process and the maintenance process. Also discussed was where to obtain the C.E.U’s; if VNA provides them will we be able to have Pharmaceutical companies sponsor speakers, per Irma, this is allowed. Based on the results, the executive committee voted to initiate offering CEU’s but those wanting them will pay an additional price of $15.00 , The cost of CEU’s will be $1,000.00 for a 3 year contract, and must be paid for in advance, not annually. VACPN will pay for this and the money generated from the additional charge will go towards this. If the $15.00 fee does not cover the total cost, will possibly increase this rate in the future. Irma has agreed to take on the task of getting the C.E.U’s (through ANCC or VNA) and handling all the necessary paperwork. This should be up and running by the fall conference. Lisa motioned to accept this proposal, Jayne seconded and committee voted in favor by a vote of 7 for and 2 against.
Re-packaging: Emergency regs have been approved through June. In June the Board of Pharmacy will make a decision on whether or not to permanently approve re-packaging (pill box fills) by trained lay staff.
Membership: Revisited this discussion from October’s Business meeting. Discussion on defining what the VACPN is, how to become a member and who will be responsible for membership. Chris reported that in October’s meeting we decided that the overall membership responsibility will be that of the regional reps and the Vice President. Irma stressed that we should remain a unique and distinct organization but at the same time, include Inpatient nurses, VAPNA, and she suggested a membership for Lisa. Regional reps voiced concerns about how to contact people in their regions, suggestions made about e-mailing CSB’s other know contacts, who can contact others they know. It has been an on-going problem to keep up with membership. The membership list is generated by the attendees at the spring seminar. Others join who don’t attend the seminar, these don’t necessarily make the list. Changes will be made in our Web Site VACPN on how to become a member, remember membership is a part of the spring retreat, but members can join anytime, however membership is not pro-rated. Membership runs from May to May.
Irma suggested a tickler of some sort reminding us that our membership is due, especially for those not attending the Spring Retreat.
Irma read from our by-laws, and they are a very comprehensive guide to what officers and regional representatives responsibilities are. Suggest going over these when elections come up so prospective officers/reps. Know what they are signing up for. In re-viewing the by-laws noticed that MR is still used instead of the now accepted ID. Irma will make any editing changes in by-laws and submit to Lisa for review. The by-laws are to be reviewed for revision at the August executive meeting.
Louise motioned to accept the changes in the wording in About Us, the last paragraph, last sentence to read: including collaboration with inpatient psychiatric nurses and to promote the improvement… and in the by-laws, and Lisa seconded.
New Business:
Spring Retreat, Shrine Mont, Va. May 9 -11. The deposit has been made ($400), the cost has gone up $180.00 for single room and $160.00 for double, all inclusive. Question asked if we should add the $25.00 membership fee to this or include it in the $180.00 cost. Chris made the motion to keep the fee at $180 including room, board, conference and membership, Marina seconded. Jan P. will need a count of attendee by April 24. Shrinemont will need all attendees names by checkin.
Jenn: suggested notifying all members that they can and should register on line. They can pay at the conference, and do not have to pay on line if they choose not to. If any officers are contacted, please refer them to the web site for registration. Drug reps. Can also pay on-line for displays.
Suggested topics & speakers:
Ken Brasfield Pharm D- Thursday night dinner presentation, medication top TBA, sponsored by Janssen.
Changing Healthcare Environment and incentives for E-scribing (will see if Janssen will sponsor this also)
Integrated MH & Medical, New Lease on Life Sally Graham. Will see if we can’t get a person to the site, can we do via conference call or internet? Lisa can possibly do the presentation with Q & A on-line or conference call. Will have Jan P check if this is possible at location.
Keynote Speaker: Lisa will contact Dr. James Stewart the Director of MH… for the department, topic closing of training centers and the impact on community services.
Jayne will contact speaker on the future of community psych. Nursing at the CSB’s.
Marina suggested top of what new in our industry. Marina will contact Melady Eaton from Longwood S.O.N. ton trends in nursing education.
Irma : Rebecca Haarmon on AI or mindfulness
Other topic suggestion: Wounded warrior, Margaurite will contact Ben Shaw and Jenn may have a contact as well.
Also if any of the above suggested speakers are not available this spring, will consider for Fall conference in Northern Va.
We cannot pay for speakers but will pay room and board for 1 night.
Lisa motioned to adjourn the meeting Louise senconded the meeting adjoined at 2:20pm.
Respectfully Submitted
Christine Luchie, Region IV rep.