VACPN Business Meeting Minutes
Attendance: Jan Puffenberger, Sharon Daniels, Cheryl Zellmer, Lisa Babilon, Joann Berkson, Joyce Southern, Marina Sinyard, Donna Horan, Iram Mahone, Jen Phelps, Ashton Franklin, Louise Pesnicak, Kirk Morton, Margurite Murray, Allison O’Brien,
10:45 am Lisa called meeting to order.
Secretary’s Report: Read by Jen Phelps in Jennifer Bowden’s absence. Irma suggested change “or” to “and ANCC, VNA” Joyce motioned to accept, Jan P seconded.
Treasures Report: Read by Louise Pesnicak. Motion to accept by Kirk M, and seconded by Jan P.
Old Business:
CEU’s: Irma completed the application; by fall conference we will officially be able to offer CEU’s again.
Repackaging: Lisa reported on VACSB is the only approved provider of Re-packaging. VACPN wrote a letter against Re-packaging Regs and Lisa discussed the fall out from this action. Letter from Mary Bergeron and Lisa responded with a letter pointing out VACPN efforts to include VACSB on the discussion. Result was VACPN send representatives to VACSB. Majority of VACPN commended Lisa on how she handled the response.
Membership: When Regions meet have some discussion on this. Vice President is to follow up with regional representatives. VACPN will take the VACSB up on attending fall conference to educate them on VACPN and need to collaborate.
New Business:
VACSB fall Conference: October 3 through 5 2012. to be held at Marriott Fair Oaks, Fairfax VA. Lisa will get clarification on VACPN attending from Mary Bergeron. Some debate on if all VACPN should attend of just a select few. Jen P. mentioned giving an award to the CSB that sends the most to VACPN conference and thank them for supporting VACPN. Perhaps offering a scholarship to that CSB for nurse education. Jan P. proposed scholarships by region’s to attend VACPN total $500.000 to be divided. This discussion was tabled till next executive meeting in August.
Lisa will do letter for all CSB’s thanking them for supporting the VACPN for the last 25 years.
VACPN Officer Elections: Vice President: Cheryl Zellmer
Treasurer: Louise Pesnicak
Regional Reports:
Region I: Jan P. meet regularly, have done outreach to non-participating CSB’s.
Region II: Cheryl Z. did not meet
Region III: no rep from this area, some e-mail but no meeting.
Region IV: Marina no meeting but did try to reach out
Region V: Joyce S. sent some letters for outreach but no meeting
Regional Reps are as listed:
Region I: Donna Horan
Alt: Sharon Daniels
Region II: Joanne Berkson
Alt: none listed
Region III: No Rep ( Jen P will e-mail Brain Gravely to see if will still act as Region II rep.)
Alt: none
Region IV: Kirk Morton
Alt: Marina Sinyard
Region V: Joyce Southern
Alt: Allison O’Brien
Lunch 12:05 pm meeting adjourned 1:00pm motioned by Kirk M. seconded by Jan P.
Respectfully Submitted;
Jen Phelps VACPN Web Master