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Fall Conference Business Meeting 10.24.13


October 24, 2013

10:45 – 12:15 PM



Attendance:  Executive Committee (Lisa  Babilon, Sharon Daniels, Irma Mahone, Louise Pesnicak, Jennifer Phelps, Cheryl Zellmer) Regional Representatives ( Joann Berkson, Donna Horan, Allison O’Brien, Marina Sinyard, Joyce Southern)  Membership at Large and Conference Attendees



WELCOMING STATEMENTS Lisa Babilon, VACPN President, opened the meeting, welcoming new those new to VACPN events and thanking everyone for attending.



Lisa requested review of May 8, 2013 Spring Conference Business meeting minutes for approval and/or discussion.  Lisa Babilon motioned for approval with Joann Berkson second.  All approved.



Lisa requested review of report for approval and/or discussion.  Jennifer Phelps motioned for approval and Joyce Southern second.  General discussion on amount due for payment of current conference.  All approved.




Medicaid Expansion:  Lisa reports that the Commission is still meeting, the HAV maintains organized advocacy.  Information coming in indicates that 70% of speakers before the Commission are in favor of expansion. 



28 of the 34 conference registrants requested CEU’s.  Conference CEU’s were approved by VNA.  General discussion on the requirement of continuing education credits for nursing license renewal.  Dr. Nina Beaman, Ed. D, MSN, CNE pointed out that “competency in your field of nursing” will be the expectation should one have to appear before the Board for any compliant or allegation. 

DBHDS response to OSIG 2013 inspection of DBHDS Facilities:  The Commissioner will establish two workgroups tasked with strengthening the transition from facilities to community based services (adult and children).  Kirk Morton has offered to serve on the adult workgroup. 




 Proposed Legislation:


Dept. of Health (section 32.1) and Department of HP (Section 54.1) Amended language would give the VDH Commissioner the authority to provide information of an urgent matter to licensees.  The Director of the Dept. of Health Professions shall make a list available of licensees in order for VDH Commissioner to make this communication.  LCVN and VACPN had no issues with the language.Dept. of HP seeks to submit 3 pieces of legislation to the Governor for his 2014 legislative package.  Expansion of use of special conference committee to make decisions on applicants with an anomaly in their credentials  in  a more timely manner and cost- effective manner or to take disciplinary action against a facility that it permits  Pharmacy, Veterinary, Funeral).  Elimination of mandatory suspension or denial of licensure for non-renewal in another state (expiration not disciplinary).  Burden on proof on applicant for reinstatement.  LCVN and VACPN had no issues with these submissions.Oppose Lifting on Uranium Mining.  Posed to Executive Committee with input from two that opposed lifting the ban.  Lisa requests that all consider and share their thoughts with Regional rep.  Lisa will seek input at the Executive Committee meeting in February. 


Report of VACSB October 2, 2014 Conference: 


Sharon Daniels attended as representation of VACPN and reported on the conference.  Mary A. Bergeron, Executive Director announced her retirement in 2014. VACSB will begin recruitment in the near future. 


Presentation focuses:


 Magellan Health becoming the administrator for Behavioral Health Services for straight Medicaid enrollees (non-HMO/MCO).  Services that are authorized as of Dec 1 will roll over to Magellan.  There are no changes in what services must have authorization.  Target case management will no longer require authorization.  These services will need to be registered.  Magellan adopts Clinical Practice Guidelines based on scientific evidence, clinical best practices, and member needs.  Magellan will require all of its providers to be familiar with these CPGs.  QI department clinical reviewers will audit providers for compliance.  In 2014, the reviewers will review for compliance with: either Schizophrenia or Depression (to be developed), Substance Use Disorder and ADHD (Children/Adolescents).


Medicaid Reforms and Integrated Care with focus on Commonwealth Coordinated Care Demonstration beginning 1/2014 through 12/2017 for Medicare-Medicare beneficiaries.  This project creates one accountable entity to coordinate the delivery of primary, preventive, acute, behavioral, and long-term services and supports.  Sharon mentioned that in one of the web based presentations at her CSB, Ms Bergeron pointed out that CSB’s will need to ensure adequate nursing staff to make this project successful.  This demonstration will be rolled out based on designated regions for enrollment periods.  Sharon recommended that the VACPN Executive Committee work closer with the Assistant Commissioner, John Pezzoli on areas surrounding collaboration of VACSB and VACPN.




Spring Conference May 7-9, 2014 at Shrinemont.  Lisa requested that members give topic and speaker ideas to the Regional Reps to bring to the Executive Committee.  Joanne Berkson, offered a couple of topics form NIMH (1grade psychosis & neuro-cognitive).  Another suggestion for speaker is Amy Dee-Kristensen, RN motivational speaker. 


February Ex Meeting will be to finalize the conference speakers.




Region I:   Donna Horan reports Region met in August at Strasburg Hotel for networking and discussion of marketing the conference.  Next meeting will be the second Friday in February 2014.  Location to be decided.Region II, III, IV and V:  No Activity




Submitted By: Sharon Daniels VACPN Secretary


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