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8.3.12 Executive Meeting


VACPN Executive Meeting


Goochland CSB

Attendance:  Lisa Babilon, Jennifer Phelps, Louise Pesnicak, Cheryl Zellmer, Sharon Daniels, Irma Mahone, Joyce Southern,



Meeting called to order: 10:30am by Lisa Babilon

Jen Phelps Social Media Specialist to fill in for Secretary Jennifer Bowden.



Secretary’s report: Read;  Joyce 1 motion to accept, Louise 2 minutes accepted.



Treasurer’s Report: Read; motion to accept 1 Joyce, 2 Irma report accepted.



Old Business:

Re-Packaging Regs:  question brought up regarding wording “administering of med will be done by licensed people” it was noted Medication Aides are “certified” not licensed.  Sharon to follow up on this.

Irma gave report on CEU Committee.  VACPN must list conference objectives on programs or website regarding all upcoming conference related materials.  Irma will act as official ( Lead Nurse Planner) and coordinate with Jen Phelps to add CUE provider number to VACPN website once received.  Goal to have posted by Fall Conference.

Regional Membership Efforts

Region I: no progress

Region II: no progress

Region II: Jen Phelps e-mailed Brain Gravely and Freddie Counts has not heard back. 

Region IV: no progress

Region V: no progress


$500 set aside for $100.00 for each Region.  Region Reps to hand out scholarships.

Irma motioned to offer $100.00 scholarship to each Region for a “new” nurse to attend Fall Conference 2012 Lisa 1, Joyce 2. Accepted

By-Laws now available on-line posted on the website.  Committee read through each section.  Noted changes were made and accepted to update the language from MR to ID, Some discussion over Article V. regarding membership dues and membership.  Irma will follow up on status on VACPN regarding (non-profit).  Motion to accept 1 Joyce, 2 Cheryl. Accepted.

Break for LUNCH 11:55pm



New Business:

1.       Fall Conference

a.       Assign Speaker and Time slots

2.       Weaver discussed honorarium and mileage. Agreed VACPN will offer both, Lisa to follow up.

Motion to Adjourn: 1 Sharon, 2 Joyce



Adjourned: 2:15 pm







Respectfully Submitted;





Jennifer Phelps, LPN, QMHPA

 VACPN Social Media Specialist










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