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5.9.13 Business Meeting


VACPN Spring Conference Business Meeting

May 9, 2013



Attendance:  Executive Committee ( Lisa Babilon, Sharon Daniels, Irma Mahone, Louise Pesnicak, Jennifer Phelps, Cheryl Zellmer) Regional Representatives ( Donna Horan, Allison O’ Brien, Flora Fenchel, Marna Sinyard)  Membership at Large ( Joan Berkson, Daryl Vasqueze, Christian Gress, Aston Franklin, Jan Puffenberger, Mladena Vucetic)



Meeting called to order 10:35Am by President, Lisa Babilon



Secretary’s Report:  Motion to accept by Jennifer Phelps and seconded by Louise Pesnicak.



Treasurer’s Report:  Motion to accept by Allison O’Brien and seconded by Jan Puffenbarger.

·         Discussion on Spring Conference Cost, expect slightly higher cost this year due to increase in room cost.  Conference fee were not increased to cover the increase.



Old Business



CEU:  Irma Mahone updated membership that VACPN received approval from VNA on 5/8/13.  VNA will offer workshop on how to develop CEU programs and Irma will attend the workshop on behalf of VACPN.  VACPN Membership expresses appreciation to Irma for taking on the position of CEU Nurse Planner for VACPN.



Fall Conference Reconciliation Report:  Lisa Babilon reports that she continues to work with Kay Springfield of VACSB to resolve some minor discrepancies in refund due to VACPN for Fall Conference Expenses.  VACPN Membership expresses appreciation for Lisa continuing this process.



Legislative Coalition of Virginia Nurses:  Lisa Babilon informed the membership that the LOVC represents all fields of nursing and that VACPN has been active in supporting some of the LOVC positions on legislation.  LVOC added as link to the VACPN web site and VACPN added to LVOC web site as a link for Professional Activities.

·         Medicaid Expansion:  Passed the House and Senate.  Expansion has three stages of reform.  Must now pass through two commissions and then expansion can move forward.  Expansion means the state acceptance of federal dollars.  Significant issues are that Healthcare Reform address Federal Poverty Levels between  133-400%, while Virginia is set at 80%.  Without expansion Virginia citizens in the 80-133% range would be without healthcare coverage.



New Business



NIMH Updates:  Joan Berkson updated group that NIMH is putting more focus on the basics of MI for adults and pediatric studies.  Research studies includes illnesses of Bipolar, Depression and various subtypes, Schizophrenia, Autism, Anxiety, ADHD, Down Syndrome, Conduct Disorder, Language Delays, PANDAS, Severe Mood Dysregulation, and Thought Disorders.



Shared Decision Making:  Irma Mahone shared with the group a tool “Option Grid” for use for consumer and health care provider to utilize in shared decision making.  Irma requests group give her feedback on the tool.



Fall Conference:  Conference location falls to Region III (Roanoke area) for hosting the conference this fall.

·         Membership selected October 25, 2013 as date of conference.

·         Location of Lynchburg.  Jennifer Phelps will research conference locations and communicate back to Executive Committee for Committee to make the final preparations.

·         Request made that ideas for the conference be submitted to Regional Representatives to report to the Executive Committee for planning.



Scholarship Assistance:

·         Recommendation to expand new nurse attendee scholarship to full payment for conference fee.  Limited to one new nurse per Region.

·         Recommendation to pay conference fee, for one nurse from each region who receives no financial assistance from his/her employee to attend, regardless of whether or not they have attended our conferences in the past.

·         Both recommendations will be posed for the Executive Committee to consider at the August meeting, and are not exclusive of each other.



Officer Elections:  President, Secretary, and Regional Representatives.

·         Secretary, nomination from the floor.  Motion for Sharon Daniels as Secretary made by Louise Pesnicak and seconded by Allison O’Brien.  Sharon accepted the nomination. Nomination carried. 

·         President, nomination from floor.  Motion for Lisa Babilon as President made by Joan Berkson and seconded by Louise Pesnicak.  Lisa accepted the nomination.  Cheryl Zellmer, Vice President presiding and nomination carried.

·         Regional Representative:  Lisa Babilon reviewed duties of Regional Representative of

Schedule and host quarterly regional meetings

Recruit membership

Information sharing with region

Communicates to the Executive Committee

Attends Executive Committee Meetings

               Election of Regional Representatives in Regional Breakout Sessions.

                  Region I:      Donna Horan

                                         Christine Gress, Alternate

                Region II:      Flora Fenchel

                                          Joan Berkson, Alternate         

                Region III:      No representative.  Jennifer Phelps will continue to outreach CSB nurses.

                Region IV:     Marna Sinyard

                 Region V:     Joyce Southers

                                         Allison O’Brien, Alternate

Region I:  next meeting August 16, 1:30PM, Strasburg Hotel, Strasburg, VA

Regions II:  next meeting June 25

Executive Committee Meeting:  August 2, 10AM -2PM, Goochland CSB



Meeting adjourned at 12:35PM, By President Lisa Babilon.





Respectfully Submitted,

Sharon Daniels, VACPN Secretary



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