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2.7.2014 Executive Meeting Sectertary's Report



Feburary 7, 2014

10:45 – 2:15 PM



Executive Committee Meeting

February 7, 2014

Crossroads CSB



Attendance:  Lisa Babilon, President; Cheryl Zellmer, Vice-President; Louise Pesnicak, Treasurer;  Sharon Daniels, Secretary; Jennifer Phelps, Social Media Specialist; Irma Mahone, Lead Nurse Planner; Marnia Sinyard, Region IV  Rep; Kirk Morton,  Region IV; Sonya Moher, Interim Reg II Rep, Joanne Berkson, Region II Rep Alternate(via telephone conference)






Lisa Babilon, President thanked Marnia Sinyard for hosting meeting and called meeting to order at 10AM




Review of 8/2/13 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes,  Louise Pesnicak motioned for approval, motion seconded by Lisa Babilon. 




Review of report.  Balance $14216.92. 


Irma suggested that we implement a better system of breakdown of income and expenditures for conference for planning purposes.  Treasurer will put this into place for next conference.  Irma Mahone motioned for approval of Treasurers Report, seconded by Cheryl Zellmer. 




Medicaid Expansion:  Discussion continues in the legislature/senate.


CEU Training:  VNA has not scheduled any upcoming training session.


LCVN:  coalition continues review on various bills. Electronic Cigarettes: support the age limit 18 for purchase.  Sports Injury:  support that mental recovery period is included (concussions).  Committee questions if LCVN involved with the Deeds Legislative bill to expand time - frame of ECO.


VACSB:  attendance by member at conferences.  Committee acknowledged that we need one nurse that can commit to attending sessions on a regular basis and asked Kirk Morton to take this on.  Kirk agreed that he will attend to represent VACPN.




May 2014 Spring Conference:  location Shrinemont.  Deposit of $350.00 has been made.  Dates of May 7, 8 and 9.  Conference Theme:  Advocacy in Mental Health, Legislation and Practice Models.  Speakers chosen:  Kirk Morton RNC Integrated Care; Megellan, Integrated Care and Recovery the Model;Senator Creig Deeds or representative from his office Legislation; and  NIMH physicians. 



Discussion of DHHDS Serious Injury Guide effective May 2013.  Medication errors are reported in the CHRIS system as neglect or serious injury followed by  the reporting agency investigating  the error for findings.  All events are also reported to Regional Advocate. 


Findings of neglect are also reported to APS or CPS.  Findings of neglect for a staff licensed by a  Health Board are also reportable to that board.  Executive Committee support that Irma and Marnia to research  literature on best practices for addressing medication errors and then draft letter to DBHDS to make recommendations on behalf of the VACPN. 


 Concerns are that the guidelines as written could lead to staffs not reporting medication errors out of fear, which endangers the consumers.                                                                    








 Respectfully Submitted,Sharon Daniels, VACPN Secretary                      

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