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2.1.13 Executive Meeting Notes


VACPN  Executive  Committee  Meeting

February 1, 2013



Location:  Goochland-Powhatan Community Services


Attendence: Lisa Babilon, Jen Phelps, Louise Pesnicak, Irma Mahone, Cheryl Zellmer, Allison O’Brien.


Meeting called to order 10:10am by President, Lisa Babilon.


Secretary’s Report: Motion to accept by Allison O’Brien and seconded by Lisa Babilon.


Treasurer’s Report: Motion to accept by Cheryl Zellmer and seconded by Irma Mahone.


Old Business

CEU’s:   Report from Irma Mahone informed us that the $1,000 paid to VNA thus far will be used as a credit to be drawn upon for CEUs specific to each event, one at a time.  She expects that CEUs will be available for the Spring Seminar.  Lisa will send Irma contact information for speakers so that objectives may be established and conflicts of interests may be identified.


VACSB Reconciliation:  Lisa presented a quick report from Kay Springfield with respect to reconciling the monies from the fall conference.  Kay reports that VACPN is due a refund of $1,019 from VACSB.  However, upon reviewing Kay’s report, the Executive Committee determined that many credits were missing from several nurses that attended.  The suggestion was posed that CSBs may have paid for their nurses along with their other staff via PayPal, and the deposits were thus not credited to VACPN.  Lisa will resolve with Kay Springfield.


Legislative Coalition of Virginia Nurses:  Lisa reviewed several bills that are being followed by the Coalition.  In particular, the Coalition wanted partners to state their organization’s position on the proposed lifting of the uranium mining ban in Virginia.  The Executive Committee agreed to join with the Coalition in opposition to lifting the ban under the umbrella of the Coalition.  However, VACPN did not feel like there was enough evidence of a public health risk to stand in opposition of lifting the ban by ourselves.  Jen Phelps pointed out that VACPN has not yet been added to the LCVN website as a partner.  Lisa will notify her contact at LCVN.


New Business (Spring Seminar):


May 8, 9 & 10, 2013,  Title:  “New Aproaches in Safe and Effective Community Mental Health Nursing”

Speakers, topics and schedule established


·         Will ask Region 1 to host a Welcome social in the lobby on Wed evening (VACPN will reimburse)

·         “Pharmcogenomics”, MD/NP speaker, sponsored by Assure Rx, May 9, 9:15-10:15


·         Business Meeting & Regional Meetings, May 9, 10:30-12:30

·         “Safe Talk”, Mary Begor, May 9, 1:45-2:45, break, 3:00-4:00

·         Hayride & campfire after dinner on May 9

·         “Co-Occuring Disorders”, May 10, 9:15-10:15, break, 10:30-11:30

$180 all-inclusive (registration, room, food), 5 CEUs at additional cost of $15, $100 regional new nurse scholarships


Adjourned 2:10 by Louise Pesnicak and seconded by Lisa Babilon


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