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10.17.11 Secretary's Report


VACPN Fall Conference

Holiday Inn, VA Beach


Attendence:  Lisa Babilon, Flora Fenchel, Jen Phelps, Jennifer Bowden, Louise Pesnicak, Irma Mahone, Cheryl Zellmer, Christine Luchie, Mladena Vucetic, Maureen McCracken, Belle Wiggins, Marina Sinyard, Joyce Southern, Debbie Wyatt, Ireland Brewer, Karen Louis, C Morris, Marguerite Murray, Lisa Reid, Monica Streat, Marsha Hiers, Tanya Mitchell, Donna Horan, Allison O’Brien, Freddie Courts, Brian Gravely, Lisa Rivera, Nancy Wallace, Sharon Daniels, Kym Mason, Ruschelle Miller


Meeting called to order: 10:50am by VACPN President, Lisa Babilon 

Treasurer’s Report: Read by Louise Pesnicak and accepted by all. 

Secretary’s Report: Read by Jennifer Bowden and accepted by all. 

Old Business:

·         Committee Report: Irma Mahone explored CEU’s. Our provider status has expired but VACPN can still provide contact hours. Irma discussed that the PRO to have having provider status could help with membership and raises credibility. CON to having provider status is that it costs $358/year and VACPN would have to account for all activity with any drug representatives.

o        Joyce Southern suggested taking a poll regarding CEUs and Jennifer Phelps will be adding a poll regarding CEUs to the website

·         Vice President now has the added responsibility of coordinating with Regional Reps. Flora Fenchel will continue to act as Vice President until Jayne James is present at a conference or meeting

·         Membership: Discussion was tabled for the next Executive Meeting

·         VACPN Jackets: Voted on options: Hoodie versus Jacket; Jacket won. Reserve your jacket on the website and pay for the jacket at the Spring Conference

·         Regional Representatives and Alternates Confirmed: Region 1: Jan Puffenberger  and alternate, Donna Horan;  Region 2: Maureen McCracken  and alternate, Mladena Vucetic; Region 3: Brian Gravely and alternate, Freddie Courts;  Region 4: Christine Luchie and alternate,  Marina Sinyard; Region 5: Joyce Southern  and alternate,  Allison O’Brien.

o       Lisa Babilon suggested that members should contact their regional rep regarding the mission statement



New Business:

·         Spring Retreat: May 9, 10, & 11, 2012 ShrineMont, Jan Puffenberger has reserved this location

o       Discussed that members will notify their regional reps if they have suggestions for  topics or speaker ideas for the Spring Retreat

Jennifer Phelps discussed how the Lynchburg CSB is handling “Re-Packaging” and after some discussion it was decided that VACPN will take a stance on concerns regarding the proposal. Members are encouraged to report concerns to their Regional Reps. Regional Reps will present concerns at the next Executive Committee Meeting 

·        Executive Committee Meeting is going to be February 3, 2012 and the location was tentatively set for Courtland, Lynchburg


Meeting adjourned at 2:15pm by Lisa Babilon.

Respectfully Submitted,

Jennifer Bowden, RN, Hanover CSB

VACPN Secretary





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